Card Creator

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The card creation tool works in a very building-block style to facilitate the creation of new cards using pre-coded card effects. These card effect blocks are inserted into the card in certain places depending on how the card effect should be realized.

The four types of effects available to be attached to cards are the untargeted effects, targeted effects, static effects, and triggered abilities. Untargeted effects are effects that happen to entities relative to the source with no specific target. Targeted effect are effects that require a target to be used. Static Effects are effects that exist as long as some condition is met. Such as Flametounge Totem buffing the attack of any adjacent unit. Triggered abilities wrap untargeted effects in order to activate them when ever some condition is met, such as casting a spell or dealing damage. When the condition is met the untargeted effect is triggered and does whatever it is supposed to do. Triggered abilities do not function without reference to at least one untargeted effect that will take place. Some triggered abilities though can also accept targeted effects and it will chose the target to be a specific entity related to the trigger activating, such as Water Elemental freezeing any minion that it damages.